Modern Public School

Modern Public School

10 + 2 Affiliated to CBSE, New Delhi

Bhaduli, Azamgarh

School Campus
School Campus
School Campus
School Campus
School Campus
School Campus



True education should produce balanced personality in whom intellectual, emotional and spiritual values are harmoniously developed. Therefore all the learning programs in the school are structure in the learners, the qualities of:

  • Self-confidence with faith in God.
  • Academic excellence.
  • Communication and social skills along with analytical abilities.
  • Maintenance of a well-nourished, healthy and agile physique.
  • Including an affinity towards a disciplined and regulated life.
  • Developing an interest to participate in service activities.
  • Harmonising positive thoughts, words and actions.
  • Developing respect and regard towards India cultured and way of life.
  • Upholding reverence for parents, elders and honour for dignity of all individuals.
  • To equip the student with all these noble qualities, the education is provided completely free of cost without any distinctions of caste, creed, colour and economic status.

In every field, students must strive to become ideal leaders and guides. The students of today are the citizens of tomorrow who will shape the destiny of a nation. When you grow straight and strong, every department of public and governmental activity will become efficient and beneficent"


The verdant, beautiful campus of Modern Public School is located just 8 km. from the heart of Azamgarh City and just 3 km. from R.T.O. Office . The campus has been modeled to facilitate the finest educational services and enhance all-round development of children. It would provide teaching that relies on Indian culture but in the best physical environment and infrastructure. All classrooms are colorful, aesthetically designed and technically formulated for a learning atmosphere. The school campus ground is rich and spacious enough to fulfill all the requirements.

Behaviour for Learning

How should your child's tiffin be?
Chapattis, Vegetable, fruits and cared bar be the main contents of a tiffin; we ask you not send your child with sweets, crisps or gums. Please do not give your child a glass container of any kind. Also clearly mark lunch boxes and plastic bottles with the child's name. No fizzy drinks please. Please ensure the lunch you provide is 'healthy', limit crisps, biscuit etc.

All pupils who wish to can avail the conveyance. A network of bus routes, some of which interconnect, bring in and return pupils from a wide geographical area. Good behaviour on the buses is very important especially as the safety of pupils is of paramount importance. On those occasions when an emergency closure is necessary, information is passed as widely as possible, but not all parents can directly notified and hence the school has developed a bulk SMS on cell phone. Parents are requested to mention proper numbers for thefunctioning of the service system.

  • Modern Public School
    Bhaduli, Azamgarh
    U.P. India
  • +91 919 800 8591, +91 941 583 4900,
    +91 945 208 8665
  • Site Last Updated
    15 July 2024

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