Modern Public School

Modern Public School

10 + 2 Affiliated to CBSE, New Delhi

Bhaduli, Azamgarh

School Campus
School Campus
School Campus
School Campus
School Campus
School Campus

Message from Principal’s Desk

Principal's Message
Dear Parents,

Getting true education is a source of real happiness. The education makes one innovative. Education means to mould character and personality development and to guide everyone in the smallest way at least to quench their ignorance.

Hence, let's take pledge to do what's good for others and go extra mile.

Suraj Kumar Pathak

  • Modern Public School
    Bhaduli, Azamgarh
    U.P. India
  • +91 919 800 8591, +91 941 583 4900,
    +91 945 208 8665
  • Site Last Updated
    15 October 2024

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